Imagination is the highest kite you can fly
Dreamers make the world go round
To date, the 2M project desk as helped turn many a pie in the sky idea into working installations. We’re not quite sure how this reputation came about, though we do enjoy it a lot.
With funders including the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, and the Energy Entrepreneurs Fund, our client Kite Power Systems are developing an electricity producing system flown by kites.
Imagine two kites flying over 400m in the sky. Now imagine they’re dancing together, passing one another in figures-of-eight, one rising as the other dips, and vica-versa. Imagine that their movements turn a turbine which produces electricity.
Now imagine that this is reality. Below you’ll see a visual of the merits of kite power, including the vast difference in the sea moorings necessary for kite power and wind turbines.
This is one of the factors which gives kites the potential to generate energy at half the cost of wind power.

Join KPS for some test runs below, meanwhile research and testing continues in all aspects of this design ~ from control and safety, to durability and flexibility.
Research and development of new ideas is our business ~ if you’d like to book an initial consultation drop us a line by clicking the Enquire button.